Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Holiday gatherings and eating go hand in hand—that’s why most people gain about a pound between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Try these suggestions so you can indulge without the bulge.
Beware of “Hidden” Calories During the Holidays
Holiday gatherings and eating go hand in hand—that’s why most people gain about a pound between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. This pound often lingers past the holidays and can lead to gradual weight gain over the years.
If You’re Going to a Party…
- Choose small, low-calorie meals earlier in the day. This will balance out the calories you’ll eat at the party. Eat a piece of fruit before the party to fill you up.
- Choose boiled shrimp or veggies and a little dip instead of cheese or fried foods. And watch your intake of fat and “empty calories” in sweets, such as eggnog and pumpkin pie. Half a cup of eggnog has 9.5 grams of fat and 171 calories, while one slice of pumpkin pie packs a whopping 14 fat grams and 316 calories. If possible, satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit or angel food cake instead.
- Foods on your dinner plate may also have hidden calories. For example, half a cup of stuffing has nearly 9 grams of fat and 178 calories.
- If you drink alcohol, have only one alcoholic drink if you’re a woman, two drinks if you’re a man. Then switch to water. Alcohol is high in calories.