How Much Do You Know About Breast Cancer?

A friendly reminder to our patients, during weekdays in October we offer $60 mammogram screenings, including doctor reading. Which is important in order to diagnose breast cancer when it is still in its early stages, and thus easier to treat and cure.
Test your knowledge about breast cancer by answering the questions below:
1. How many American women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year?
a. More than 500,000
b. More than 200,000
c. More than 100,000
d. More than 50,000
2. Which cancer is the most commonly diagnosed in U.S. women?
a. Lung
b. Breast
c. Skin
d. Ovarian
3. How many U.S. women have survived breast cancer?
a. More than 3 million
b. 2.5 million
c. Nearly 1 million
d. Nearly 500,000
4. Which of these is a risk factor for breast cancer for women?
a. Older age
b. Having a sister or mother with the disease
c. Taking hormone therapy
d. All the above
5. What increases a man’s risk for breast cancer?
a. Radiation exposure
b. Family members with breast cancer
c. Heavy drinking
d. All the above
6. Which of the following can lower the risk for breast cancer?
a. Exercising regularly
b. Maintaining a healthy weight
c. Limiting alcohol intake
d. All the above
7. What can early detection of breast cancer accomplish?
a. Prevent breast cancer
b. Find it when successful treatment is more likely
c. None of the above
d. All the above
8. What is the best way to find breast cancer early?
a. Have a mammogram every year between ages 45 to 54, and every year or every other year if you’re age 55 or older
b. Have a breast MRI if you are at high risk for developing the disease
c. Have a breast ultrasound
d. All the above
9. Which of the following is true about a mammogram?
a. It can show tumors that are too small to feel
b. It is more likely to reveal tumors in women older than 50
c. It can find every tumor
d. A and B
10. Which of these changes in your breast should you tell your doctor about?
a. A lump
b. Unusual thickening
c. Discharge from the nipple
d. All the above
1. B. More than 266,000 women are diagnosed every year. About 2,550 American men are diagnosed each year.
2. C. Skin cancer tops the list.
3. A. There are more than 3.1 million breast cancer survivors.
4. D. Other risk factors include beginning menstruation at an early age, never having given birth, being obese, and drinking alcohol.
5. D. An additional risk factor for men is age: The risk of breast cancer goes up as a man ages. The average age at diagnosis is 68, according to the American Cancer Society.
6. D. Breast-feeding can also reduce the risk.
7. B. According to the American Cancer Society, the most important action to prevent deaths from breast cancer is early detection and treatment through screening.
8. D. These recommendations are from the American Cancer Society. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends women ages 50 to 74 be screened every other year.
9. D. On the day of your mammogram, don’t wear powder, perfume, or deodorant. These substances can interfere with the X-rays.
10. D. Other signs to tell your doctor about include red or flaky skin around the nipple or an unusual increase in the size of one breast.
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